Bach beneath the lime trees

Loris Barrucand and Clément Geoffroy, harpsichord

Leipzig, 1730. People can come to the Café Zimmermann to see concerts put together by the famous musician Johann Sebastian Bach, with a little help from his sons and friends. In the summertime, music lovers and virtuosos can enjoy the mild evening air in the gardens next door. Loris Barrucand and Clément Geoffroy take a fresh look at this clever, flamboyant music by offering new transcriptions for two harpsichords of concertos by Bach and Vivaldi. Look! There is Bach himself, sipping his coffee under the lime trees in Leipzig as he waits for you!

 Benefit of our promotion "Bach beneath the lime trees" plus 1 CD for 25€

Johann Sebastian Bach

Concerto BWV 1060 - Allegro


Johann Sebastian Bach

Concerto  BWV 596 - Largo espiccato